Kamis, 07 Maret 2013

Takuya in the Dawn

The clock now is striking 2.38 am, and my eyes open still. Ngerasa capek sih badan, tapi gak tau kenapa sayang aja kalo tidur. Padahal besok pagi kuliah jam 08.00 dan, oh well shit happens. Sampai akhirnya mendarat di sini pun, gue gak tau harus ngapain. Gak tau mau apa.

Blah blah blah... I am writing like a zombie..

But, talking about sharing, I got some new hymnes accompanying right now. Those are only five songs in my playlist, though. Therefore :

1. Amy Winehouse - I Heard Love is Blind
2. Tika - You Belong to Me
3. Sore - Karolina
4. Belle and Sebastian - Funny Little Frog
5. Elisabeth Schwarzkopf & Walter Gieseking

This is kind of celebration that Takuya finally becoming 'handsome' again :"D and we can spend the night together like this, after he settled from the crash. Yep, those virus made him down last few days and here we are. the days seemed so long without Takuya. I promise I will keep my eyes and watch right in there, Takuya!

By The way, Takuya is my leptop. He is cold but I still give him a hug sometime :')

Bye, Good night morning!