Kamis, 23 Mei 2013

Coming Back with Blah Blah

This night. I don't know how long I left my Black Socks until I met beggar in front of the door. Well, try to be more often to write in here. Will write anything or report something silly like I did in my last blog. For today, I want to declare that I am officially run a new habit. Me and my friend, Julia, always ride a bicycle after college. Do not care whether the sun burns or the rain pours, we keep on our track to ride a bicycle. Muterin universitas.

Honestly, dua hari pertama sepedahan belum buat kaki  terbiasa, alhasil setiap selesai sepedahan pasti kaki gemeter bahkan pas jalan jadi lemes kayak orang mau jatoh. Kayak tiba-tiba kena polio. Track yang disusuri berawal dari Pos Sepeda di depan Stasiun UI dan berakhir di Asrama UI. Asyik lho! Pulangnya naik Bikun deh, tidur.

But, well. It seemed that I will find another easy exercise activity. Because, by cycling you have to depend on the mas-mas and the UI student card and the time, bla, bla, and bla. Better go swimming or running later. 

Other nuts, The final test come closer. So better keep the eyes on it. I get lot of things to butch. Wish me luck, hope that charming lecturer overwhelmed of my essay for him :' *self slap*

See you soon, folks!

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