Senin, 08 Desember 2014

Mel Gibson and Christ

Christ and Mel Gibson. Faith and Violence. Those are things which market never punishes. So does with bad taste. I watched The Passion of The Christ and I can assure you that I can prove it. The Passion of The Christ is a perfect example of how director made something that can be called Faith Porn. 

What we know about pornography? Pornography often relates to something inappropriate. A term to  shows human body in a lustful way, creates an excitement optimally. In porn, details are more matter than totality (totality here relates to all physical activities). Just like porn, The Passion of The Christ breached all taboo things. 

Rouault in 1937 depicted Christ in his painting. There is an enigmatic, gloomy, charismatic, and mystery in that impasto technique and the thick lines. He brought the classic crucifixion painting tradition which signed with certain distance between the painter and Golgotha. When seeing his painting, we can embrace what Goethe ever said, "We draw a veil over the sufferings of Christ, simply because we revere them so deeply." But, Mel Gibson ripped that veil away in 2004. His Golgotha was full of close-ups under the sun, with bloody cut body, gawking wound and flesh that scattered from the endless trouncing. Like a hyperbole, The Passion of The Christ is a porn. Every hyperbole was considered to be relevant. Yeah, this movie showed what was the relevant thing, therefore (not love or affection) exasperation torture and the great pain of sufferings. 

Georges Rouault - Crucifixion (1937)