Kamis, 20 November 2014

Hard to Spell, Easy to Practice: Misogyny

Being a woman is suck, she said. At a second the wrinkle on the forehead shaped, presenting disagreement. But then, slowly the wrinkle gone, the eyes were pointing to a random object, still thinking. Ah, ya she is not that wrong. I can follow her saying about that. Like it or not, I must admit that being a woman in this patriarchal and misogynist country is utterly suck. The pain of having menstruate every month is not enough, women have also facing affliction, oppression, underestimation, silly cat-calling, and stereotyping, labeling from society.

Being a widow, by a divorce or death separated, is a major deal on this society. By having that status, you have to ready that people will stare at the back and make the opinion that you are about to lose the wealth or poor or difficult to suffice the daily needs for you and the children as well, because there is no spouse to do so for you. 

 I have secret for you, society, protect your own lover or husband to not fall for them, do not let them chat too long, help too often, or even laugh with them. 

By having status as a widow, every main thing will connect to economy and sexual theme. Economy theme will lead their thoughts that you are easy to lean on everyone that has lots of money. Also, It is not a problem being in affair with somebody's husband or being a second or third or so, as long as you can bath money. Well, if  money is not the main thing you count, it is alright to still have someone who holds or shares sexual desire with you. It is because you are so lonely, right? I am damn right. 

Fuck it, people.

Just fuck it. I can not process or even accept that way of thinking. Being widow for a woman is much harder. People use the word 'widow' to allow their logical fallacy of thinking to be true. With the word 'widow' for a women, people disgustingly related to anything lower; economy, morality, behavior. (I am sorry, I related this to my nearest experience). Cut that off!!!

Being a widow for a woman is a real struggle. If you, my good friend, want to know what they really pass on their life is, they actually spare their major time to work and pray. They try to stand up again after losing their life partner to continue the life. Life is keep walking and have to be continued even with the unlikeliest way. There is no time to think about so, to think about what most people have in mind about them and their activities. 

Clean up the mind, spare the time to think that stereotyping and labeling just make your head narrower. Do not see them by the status, but simply human. Respect them just like you want to be respected by others. 

The society is not yet mature enough, can not hope big on it though. But for you, my friends, I hope you do not swim your mind to those rushes. Please turn back, be mature and just respect everyone. For you who struggles on this patriarchy and misogyny world, my friends, even though we may not meet, cry, kiss or, even laugh together, I love you. With all my heart. 

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