Senin, 08 September 2014

Милый Мой Старик (My beloved Old man)

Home is not always sweet for everyone. Well, for me the phrase 'Home Sweet Home' does not fit. I prefer the room in Depok instead of in the house. But still, sometime I cant help myself to come home, checking whether Chomsky and Maurice are still alive, haha. Don't get me wrong, if you ever read учебник that released in Soviet regime that titled Снег (snow), you probably will understand. Haha, I bet most people haven't read. It is okay, I will give you the summary.

Снег (snow) is a story about coming home. The story begins when Mrs. Tatiana Petrovna is awaken in the night. She then read the letter from Nikolai Potapov. Nikolai Potapov is her step son who works as a soldier and he rarely comes home. Nikolai kept sending his Papa letter and still not knowing that Mr Potapov has already passed away, not knowing that the one who replied all his letters were Petrovna. She cant tell the truth. Then, Potapov had the time to invite his house. He takes the train, after arrives at local train station, he knew that his Papa already passed away several months ago. Now the house is lived by a woman who once an artist (Petrovna) and her daughter, Varya from Moscow. He knows those from local people. He then walks between the snow to reach home. When he arrives in front of the gate, he is just staring and thinking a lot. He thinks that the house which his Papa lived used to be warm, but now lives somebody else in there. It is not the same anymore. Better not see, better go further.

"Он решил в дом не заходить, а только пройти мимо, зайти в сад, постоять в старой беседке. Думать о том, что в доме отца живут чужие люди, было тяжело. лучше не видеть. уехать."
(По рассказу К. Паустовского- Снег)

"Ia memutuskan tidak masuk ke dalam rumah, hanya melewati saja, ia berdiri di pekarangan, di punjung (rumah kecil). Berpikir bahwa, rumah tempat ayahnya yang hangat dulu tinggal, kini dihuni oleh orang asing. Lebih baik tak usah dilihat. menjauh saja." 

Well, I feel the same way as Nikolai Potapov's. 

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