Kamis, 18 September 2014

Random Sublimate Thought

Bet everyone ever landed on a very random thought. Well, one, two or more random thoughts. Randomly think about the thing that makes scares, happy, amuse, or anxious then end up on exaggerating something around. Maybe someone ever walked to reach other place, then seeing 3 kg LPG (Liquid Petroleum Gas) on the street, then imagines it suddenly explodes. Thinks that life ends just like that, without fighting or even trying to save the life act. It become wilder when every LPG in every house, suddenly explodes. Maybe it will look like this :

or worse....

I tend to imagine that way everytime I step the feet to reach college. It doesnt mean I hate college, no, on the contrary, I love college. It just fun to get self anxious by stupid things like that.

Other nuts, random thoughts also brought to something that Goenawan Muhammad ever wrote. He wrote that, in our generations people is more easier to recall the first man that made a very first step in the moon than the very first man that saw the moon. People do not think that, the very first man who saw the moon struggled to question everything, like "why is the shining thing is there in the dark space?", "why is me, is there too, in the middle of nature?", "why is everything's there?", "why isn't on the contrary, nothing is there?". People do not know that the first man also understood that 'there' is like the noon: it makes concrete things come into sight but the own self. 

We tend to forget about that, because we do not have enough patience with something that blocks ourselves, then we are further from the very first man that saw the moon. We just welcomed and greeted the very first man that stepped the feet on the moon. 

Talking about the moon, the thought brings to a lonely poem titled, Manusia Pertama di Luar Angkasa (The Very First Man on The Outer Space) by Subagio Sastrowardoyo.

Beritakan kepada dunia
Bahwa aku telah sampai pada tepi
Darimana aku tak mungkin lagi kembali.

Aku kini melayang di tengah ruang
Di mana tak berpisah malam dan siang.
Hanya lautan yang hampa dilingkung cemerlang bintang.
Bumi telah tenggelam dan langit makin jauh mengawang.
Jagat begitu tenang. Tidak lapar
Hanya rindu kepada istri, kepada anak, kepada ibuku di rumah.

Makin jauh, makin kasih hati kepada mereka yang berpisah.
Apa yang kukenang? Masa kanak waktu tidur dekat ibu
Dengan membawa dongeng dalam mimpi tentang bota
Dan raksasa, peri, dan bidadari. Aku teringat
Kepada buku cerita yang terlipat dalam lemari.
Aku teringat kepada bunga mawar dari Elisa
Yang terselip dalam surat yang membisikkan cintanya kepadaku.
Yang mesra. Dia kini tentu berada di jendela
Dengan Alex dan Leo,-- itu anak-anak berandal yang 
kucinta –
Memandangi langit dengan sia. Hendak menangkap
Sekelumit dari pesawatku, seleret dari
Perlawatanku di langit tak berberita.

Masihkah langit mendung di bumi seperti waktu
Kutinggalkan kemarin dulu?
Apa yang kucita-cita? Tak ada lagi cita-cita
Sebab semua telah terbang bersama kereta
ruang ke  jagad tak berhuni. Tetapi
ada barangkali. Berilah aku satu kata puisi
daripada seribu rumus ilmu yang penuh janji
yang menyebabkan aku terlontar kini jauh dari bumi
yang kukasih. Angkasa ini bisu. Angkasa ini sepi
Tetapi aku telah sampai pada tepi
Darimana aku tak mungkin lagi kembali.
Ciumku kepada istriku, kepada anak dan ibuku

Dan salam kepada mereka yang kepadaku mengenang
Jagat begitu dalam, jagat begitu diam.
Aku makin jauh, makin jauh
Dari bumi yang kukasih. Hati makin sepi
Makin gemuruh.

Jangan membiarkan aku sendiri.

A total Loner! Being far from the Earth, being apart, being ejected by science and men that have the ability to rule space and time, to calculate and design. On the outer space, is there, is alone, there is nothing that can be missed in that huge large space but poem. Screams, "Beri aku satu kata puisi!" (Give me one poem word!). Poem can cure emphaty to our Land, recovering our distant and disconnected relationship. Poem knows 'there'. Sometime pure and sharp reason does not always produce the truth. Poem makes us back to the very first man that saw the moon.

That just how the thought flew, I end it here.

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